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MATS 2013

Posted by Linda Chambers on Thu, Mar 21, 2013 @ 02:50 PM

It is that time again. Time for the Mid America Trucking Show, held in Louisville, KY, this year from today March 21st until Saturday the 23rd.

Although we are not exhibiting and I am not even attending any of the three day event, Soap Warehouse is having a presence through the publications we are advertising in, special offers sent out via Twitter and interacting with those on Facebook that are at the event.

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We are in Transportation Topics buyers guide this entire year on their web site at

We have also been running ads in Fleet Owner magazine and this month we have a quarter page ad on page 136 that contains a QR code directing scanners with smart phones to view a special offer.

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Here is Jim Mele from Fleet Owner on the show room floor.

I hope you take the opportunity to join in and order some Fleet Wash products during the sale time for MATS. Look for the Twitter links that also post to our Facebook to get to the pages with the offers.



Tags: Soap Warehouse, Mid America Trucking Show, MATS, fleet washes, Fleet Wash

Mid America Trucking Show 2012

Posted by Linda Chambers on Mon, Mar 26, 2012 @ 10:38 AM

It was another great show this year in Louisville, KY. We again were a sponsor of Big Rig Networks MATS 2012 Sweepstakes.

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Our first winner on Friday of 5 gallons of product was Keith Sermon from Louisville, KY who is a driver for Landstar.

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Then on Saturday winning 5 gallons of truck wash was Chris Fowler of Jackson, MO.

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We enjoyed being able to walk around and visit will all the freight companies at MATS there looking for drivers. We hope to better reach new Owner Operators through the companies they work for instead of exhibiting in a booth and trying to talk to drivers one on one.

MATS truck wash specials will still be available until April 30th, so call us if you would like to try a 5 gallon of one or more of our great truck wash products.

Tags: White Lightning, truck washes, Big Rig Brite, Blue Lightning, Brown Derby, Mid America Trucking Show, MATS

Another great year at MATS!

Posted by Linda Chambers on Wed, Apr 06, 2011 @ 10:00 AM

We spent this past week in Louisville, KY at the Mid America Trucking Show.

C  Documents and Settings Dan Kidd My Documents My Pictures MATS11 MATS11booth (Small) resized 600 Our booth 62124 in the West Wing at MATS (Mid America Trucking Show)

We had over 1000 attendees stop at our booth during the three day event. We had 6 winners of 5 gallons of our Big Rig Brite truck wash, 18 winners of a water calculator and with our prize wheel gave a way over 800 other smaller prizes including 50 of our very popular "Brown Derby" hats in honor of our #1 selling "Brown Derby" truck wash.

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We also participated for the third year in Bricktown Media's, Big Rig Network MATS Sweepstakes, giving away more 5 gallon tight drums of Big Rig Brite truck wash. The winners were Darrell West

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Show Specials will still be available until the end of April so if you are in need of some great products and have never tried us before you can visit our page of Show Speicals and buy some today.


Tags: Big Rig Brite, Brown Derby, Mid America Trucking Show, MATS

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